Our Mission – The Purpose of The Wholehearted Man

The Wholehearted Man

Our Mission – The Purpose of The Wholehearted Man

The purpose of The Wholehearted Man is to empower men to take back their strengths and role as leaders that society seems to be vilifying at present. Turning that around not as a power play but to fill a desperately needed void that once put in place alongside the amazing strength and grace of women can bring us to a new and higher place on this planet. This transcends all cultures all borders and leaves us raw just one on one, just human to human.

The strength of men has nothing to do with physical strength but mental strength. Strength to be humble, to cry, to be vulnerable and to own who we are as men. Setting the example to be better than we are. Better father’s, better partners, betters team members, better leaders, and better at being wholehearted.

The wholehearted man thinks with his heart as much as with his head. Balancing the two and never afraid to show either. For us as men being able to show not just the pieces of your heart but your whole heart can be challenging. To put it out there and let kindness, love, empathy, patience and our vulnerabilities to be seen, not as weakness but as permission to others. That we are all human, that we all have fears, issues that haunt us but also understands we are all in this together. Being able to understand what is really going on with ourselves and how embracing those truths can change the landscape of our current culture is what I hope to explore here.

I want to start a global conversation about what it really means to be a man and what being a wholehearted man can do for the planet.

If you would like to know more about what The Wholehearted Man is click here: TWHM YouTube 

You can also find out more about me here: About John Due

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